12 laws of the universe

12 laws of the universe


1. The Law of Divine Oneness Everything is interconnected.

2. The Law of Vibration Everything has a frequency.

3. The Law of Correspondence Patterns repeat across dimensions.

4. The Law of Attraction Like attracts like.

5. The Law of Inspired Action Act on your desires.

6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy Energy constantly transforms.

7. Law of Cause and Effect Every action has a consequence.

8. Law of Compensation You receive what you give.

9. Law of Relativity Perspective defines reality.

10. Law of Polarity Everything has an opposite.

11. Law of Rhythm Life moves in cycles.

12. Law of Gender Balance of masculine and feminine energies.

The 12 Laws of the Universe can bring clarity to life and its patterns. From interconnectedness and energy vibrations to the cycles of rhythm and balance of gender energies, these principles guide how reality unfolds. Acting with intention, embracing change, and aligning with these laws empower you to attract abundance and live in harmony with universal forces.

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